Wednesday, 25 May 2016



“Grace to be Grounded: Finances" Ecclesiates 10:19
Wisdom and money are a defense in this world. God doesn't mind you having things; you just can’t let things have you. Having the intent, making intelligent decisions, setting priorities and maximizing what He gave you will allow God to release the resources you need. Once you receive money, you have to know what to do with it and keep doing good as you acquire. Trust in the LORD and do good and you will be fed! Psalm 37:3
Source : Lightsource TD Jakes.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Give God the praise even when the goal seems only a distant blur.


Many times we get so wrapped up in achieving our life’s goal that we miss the opportunity to stop and be thankful for the things we have already achieved. 

When working diligently to complete a race we often stay focused on the finish line.

While determination is critical in achieving anything, I challenge you to slow down the pace every now and then, look back at the ground you have covered and applaud yourself for making it thus far.

Give God the praise even when the goal seems only a distant blur.

Monday, 23 May 2016

Why the Doctrine of the Trinity is Crucial for the Christian Life

                                 Why the Doctrine of the Trinity is Crucial for the Christian Life
This post is adapted from Owen on the Christian Life: Living for the Glory of God in Christ by Matthew Barrett and Michael A. G. Haykin.
God Is Triune, or He Is Not God at All
The great Puritan theologian John Owen once wrote:

Why Saying No Will Make You Stronger


When I was in college, I loved talking about how many extra-curricular activities I was involved in. Friends would list the three or four clubs, teams, or intramurals that they were involved in when we weren’t in class, and I would laugh, then proceed to list my own 14 or 15 activities (I’ll spare you that list now). 

When the Name of Jesus Puts You on the Blacklist

                      When the Name of Jesus Puts You on the Blacklist
She and I? "We've known each other practically forever, so, I wondered, "Why is she hurting me so much?"

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Unveiling the Mystery of faith – Part 4a - Bishop David Abioye


                                    The word from the Alter, listen and be blessed......

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How to Discipline When You're Angry

                         How to Discipline When You're Angry
My husband and I sat across the table, aggravated as our picky daughter's kids’ meal sat idle. The loss of us catering to her taste was starving my patience. As my volume increased, and my husband's face turned red, God said, “Be compassionate."