Wednesday, 25 May 2016



“Grace to be Grounded: Finances" Ecclesiates 10:19
Wisdom and money are a defense in this world. God doesn't mind you having things; you just can’t let things have you. Having the intent, making intelligent decisions, setting priorities and maximizing what He gave you will allow God to release the resources you need. Once you receive money, you have to know what to do with it and keep doing good as you acquire. Trust in the LORD and do good and you will be fed! Psalm 37:3
Source : Lightsource TD Jakes.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Give God the praise even when the goal seems only a distant blur.


Many times we get so wrapped up in achieving our life’s goal that we miss the opportunity to stop and be thankful for the things we have already achieved. 

When working diligently to complete a race we often stay focused on the finish line.

While determination is critical in achieving anything, I challenge you to slow down the pace every now and then, look back at the ground you have covered and applaud yourself for making it thus far.

Give God the praise even when the goal seems only a distant blur.

Monday, 23 May 2016

Why the Doctrine of the Trinity is Crucial for the Christian Life

                                 Why the Doctrine of the Trinity is Crucial for the Christian Life
This post is adapted from Owen on the Christian Life: Living for the Glory of God in Christ by Matthew Barrett and Michael A. G. Haykin.
God Is Triune, or He Is Not God at All
The great Puritan theologian John Owen once wrote:

Why Saying No Will Make You Stronger


When I was in college, I loved talking about how many extra-curricular activities I was involved in. Friends would list the three or four clubs, teams, or intramurals that they were involved in when we weren’t in class, and I would laugh, then proceed to list my own 14 or 15 activities (I’ll spare you that list now). 

When the Name of Jesus Puts You on the Blacklist

                      When the Name of Jesus Puts You on the Blacklist
She and I? "We've known each other practically forever, so, I wondered, "Why is she hurting me so much?"

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Unveiling the Mystery of faith – Part 4a - Bishop David Abioye


                                    The word from the Alter, listen and be blessed......

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How to Discipline When You're Angry

                         How to Discipline When You're Angry
My husband and I sat across the table, aggravated as our picky daughter's kids’ meal sat idle. The loss of us catering to her taste was starving my patience. As my volume increased, and my husband's face turned red, God said, “Be compassionate." 

3 Steps to Develop a Solid Christian Ethic


Not long ago I got an email from a Christian man who asked me, “What can I do to become knowledgable in Christian ethics?” Obviously, I think that’s a good question. Ethics is not, after all, something that only academic types or pastors have to think about. Every Christian has a mandate to be able to articulate the truth of the gospel and to apply it in every season of life.

Monday, 16 May 2016

8 Powerful Promises of God from Psalm 91

We trudged slowly back to the car through a crowded parking lot in the Texas summer heat.  Hot, humid, full sun bearing down.  I noticed my daughter matching my steps, walking close by my side the entire way back.  Little legs stretching out as far as they could to match my stride.  She smiled up at me and said, "Mom, look, I'm walking in your shade." 



Doing what GOD commands make you a COMMANDER; Following His direction makes you a DIRECTOR - Bishop David Abioye

Does God Care What You Wear to Church?

Growing up, I was raised to dress very conservatively at church. Not only was my grandfather a preacher, but we also attended a church that was pretty legalistic. I remember, in middle school, judging the girls whose skirts didn’t extend below their knees. Didn’t they know that wearing skirts that hit right above the knee made them look “available??” (for lack of a better word).

Do I Really Need to Tithe to the Church?

A few years ago Suzanne Staline of the Wall Street Journal wrote an article called, “The Backlash Against Tithing.” She noted for the Journal’s readers what Christian pastors have presumed for quite some time: giving to the church is on the decline. 

Thursday, 12 May 2016

A Time To Celebrate

Key Verse: "On the thirteenth day of the month Adar; and on the fourteenth day of the same rested they, and made it a day of feasting and gladness" (Esther 9:17).

As a third-century man was anticipating death, he penned these last words to a friend: "It's a bad world, an incredibly bad world. But I have discovered in the midst of it a quiet and holy people who have learned a great secret. 

Thursday, 5 May 2016

How Do I Wait on the Lord When Life is Tough?

We know, as believers, that prayer is our lifeline to God. We have been taught prayers around the dinner table and in Sunday school classes, we say them at church and we say them before we go to bed. 

DAILY DEVOTIONALS:Terms And Conditions Apply


Key Verse: "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land" (2 Chronicles 7:14).

If you are familiar with promotional advertisements, you should also be familiar with the expression, "Terms and conditions apply".

The Book of Revelation is Not Just about the Future

The Denouement of Scripture
The “Revelation of Jesus Christ” portrays in dramatic fashion the paradoxical present rule of Jesus Christ as King of all the kings of the world, his ultimate triumph, and the salvation of his people through tribulation. As monumental as this is, it is not all. 

Your Guide to the Top 10 Most Extraordinary Mothers of the Bible

1. Sarah: The Mother Who Waited
In Genesis 11:30 we learn, “Now Sarai was childless because she was not able to conceive.“ This would have grieved both Sarah and Abraham, and in Genesis 15when the word of the LORD came to Abram he answered, what will you give me LORD since you have not given me an heir? God tells him to look at the stars in the Sky, for that would be the number of his offspring. Abraham and Sarah waited 15 years before God renewed His promise, and 10 more years before the promise was fulfilled and Sarah bore a son, Isaac.

5 Essential Insights for Deepening Your Spiritual Life


If you’re a believer, you have a spiritual life. Just like any other kind of life, it can grow or wither, thrive or struggle, or ebb and flow. As followers of Christ, we should be wanting to move closer to him and dive deeper in our faith, but it can be challenging to know just how to go about doing that. How do we actually take our spiritual life to the next level?

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

5 Ways to Pray When You're Too Stressed to Know How


I didn't know that I was hiding. I've always been good at praying. 
Or so I thought.
My daddy left when I was seven. I've always looked to God as my Father, my provider. I didn't realize that God wanted to be more than just my provider. God longed to be my soul's confidante -- deep where I feel lonely, where I struggle to receive and make space for me.

Worship is More than Singing


I often struggle with the music at modern churches. 
It's so loud, I've been known to covertly stick my fingers in my ears so I can hear myself sing, because if I don't I can't even tell if I'm singing in the right key or not. I can't hear anyone around me singing either. Last week I walked in after the call-to-worship music ended on purpose and left before it started again after communion. I just couldn't take it anymore, and I’m not that old. It’s just so loud!



To every remarkable thing in life there is a way. Way connotes how to get things done. Today our world is looking for ways out of its predicaments and whoever knows the way commands its attention. This makes knowing the way very crucial as this is only way by which prophecy of multitudes flowing into the church will become a reality.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

33 Verses about Fear and Anxiety to Remind Us: God is in Control


Fear.  One of the enemy’s most popular weapons that he uses against us.  Worry, anxiety, fear…can overwhelm us with a thick shadow of darkness, controlling our every move and decision.


Key Verse: "But ye gave the Nazarites wine to drink; and commanded the prophets, saying, Prophesy not" (Amos 2:12)

Every form of decay has its symptoms. For instance, dentists will tell you that when you begin to feel tooth sensitivity, or noticing some grey, brown or black spots on your teeth, or experiencing bad breath and unpleasant taste in your mouth, you have reason to worry about tooth decay.

Monday, 2 May 2016

5 Lies That Lead to an Affair


My life had become a nightmare. Practically overnight, since I’d admitted having an affair to my husband, I’d lost everything. I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t sleep, and I couldn’t get off the treadmill of fear, shame, and despair. The hours, days and weeks dragged on as I waited for the pain of colossal regret to subside.

How Important is Church Attendance in the Christian Life?


It’s tempting sometimes to want to skip church. Maybe we have chores and errands that need to get done, maybe it’s too much work to get the family up and out the door in the morning, or maybe we just want to enjoy the beautiful weather outdoors.

If we attend church three out of four Sundays in the month, that’s enough, right?
This kind of thinking (which many Christians have probably fallen into) is really looking at church attendance from the wrong perspective.

35 Years of Liberation Mandate: Living Faith Church A.K.A Winner's Chapel

Today Marks the Beginning of Anniversary Celebration of Living Faith Church world wide. Today marks 35 years God's servant BISHOP DAVID O. OYEDEPO received a mandate from God to go into the world and preach the gospel of liberation through the word of faith

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Show Compassion To Suffering Saints


Key Verse: "Can that which is unsavory be eaten without salt? or is there any taste in the white of an egg?" (Job 6:6).

The Last Human Sacrifice


We are told in Scripture, in numerous places, that the death of Jesus was a death for sin. It is therefore not possible to meditate responsibly on the crucifixion of Jesus without reckoning with the fact and reality of sin. If Jesus was a dragon-slayer in His passion, and He was, then we must understand that sin was the dragon.

7 Reasons Young Men Should Marry Before Their 23rd Birthday


I want to argue that the war on marriage has many fronts. And while evangelical Christians have done a decent job in resisting some of the more outlandish attacks (e.g. Obergefell), in other areas we have tended to go along with the secular flow completely. One area where acquiescence is evident is when it comes to the age when young people marry.

Do You Know Your Calling? This Might Help.


Recently I found myself in the emergency room with stomach pains.
They had been gradually getting worse through the week so I decided to head in, just in case it was something serious. After five hours of an IV, blood work, x-ray, ct scan, EKG, pokes and prodding, the Dr. came back in and said:
“We can’t tell you what it is, but we can tell you what it’s not.”



"You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house.” (Matthew 5:14-15, NLT)



For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, (Tit 2:11)
Dear friends, there’s no lion, tiger or leopard inside you that the grace of God cannot tame, allow him.